
REACH out,

LOVE others,

GROW in faith,

and REPEAT this continuously,

Bringing God’s amazing, transforming

Love to the world in practical, tangible ways.


We believe that the church must reach out beyond its own walls to invite others into the love of God. We do this through personal invitations to worship, by hosting events that love on our neighborhood, and by coming alongside and assisting ministries in our community that are doing God’s work.


We believe that the church must reach out beyond its walls to invite others into the love of God. We do this through personal invitations to worship, by hosting events that love our neighborhood, and by coming alongside and assisting ministries in our community that are doing God’s work.


Being a Christian is not a one-and-done event but a life-long journey of spiritual growth. We grow in God’s grace and learn from practical, biblical teaching when we worship together. We grow, as well, as we reach out to serve others. We also offer classes and studies to help us grow to be more like Jesus. Check out our Source Studies page if you are interested in a study.


We are never finished reaching, loving, and growing! It’s an ongoing process that grows God’s family and grows us as Jesus’ disciples, so we continually reach, love, grow, and repeat at The Source. Join us on the journey!