Welcome Video
A welcome video from Rev. LeTicia Preacely and Children’s Minister Shawnne Carter will be posted soon.
Service Times
Source Studies – 9:15 AM
Worship Service – 10:30 AM
Service Order
Worship service runs approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes and follows this general outline
- Welcome/Announcements
- Discipleship moment
- Our four questions
- Who are you? Who are we together? Why are we here? How is God working in your life?
- Two songs of worship
- Apostle’s Creed (link coming soon)
- Praises and prayers
- The Lord’s Prayer (link coming soon)
- Tithes and offerings/worship song
- Scripture reading and sermon message
- Holy Communion
- Final worship song
- Blessing and sending forth
What Can I Expect?
We offer a contemporary worship environment; our amazing band leads our worship music. Our environment is very casual; please come as you are! Everyone is welcome to participate with us in Holy Communion – kids and adults alike – you don’t have to be a member of our church or a United Methodist to celebrate the Lord’s supper with us. And we LOVE kids in our worship services; the more the merrier!
Map & Directions
When You Arrive
This is the main entrance to Keithshire Plaza, and The Source is in the corner of the shopping center.