
Screwtape Letters – Week 7, Letters 19 – 21

Letter 19 Themes: God’s love, competition, being in love, marriage, exploitation of anything for sinister purposes. Letter 20 Themes: Attacks on chastity; unequally yoked marriages; sexual “tastes” of males and females; idealism. Letter 21 Themes: Irritability (peevishness); sense of entitlement; value of time; ownership verses stewardship.


Screwtape Letters – Week 6, Letters 16 – 18

Letter 16 Themes: Church shopping and criticism; being teachable; humility and love on secondary doctrinal issues. Letter 17 Themes: Different facets of gluttony; greed related to sensuality (sins of the senses); selfishness; fasting. Letter 18 Themes: Nature and the role of love; physical intimacy and oneness in marriage; feelings of being “in love”.