Christian And . . .

When I was a younger Christian, I was eager to add labels to my Christianity. Today, people too often will use labels. I am a High-Church / Low Church, old earth / young earth, charismatic / non-charismatic, pedo-baptism / credo-baptism, Arminianism / Calvinism, liberal / conservative, Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Non-denominational “Christian.” Through the years I…


Screwtape Letters – Week 9, Letters 25 – 27

Letter 25 Themes: Mere Christianity; novelty; pleasure; fads; discontentment of the Same Old Things; jargon. Letter 26 Themes: Unselfishness (self-denial); charity (agape love); erotic enchantment (eros love) in courtship. Letter 27 Themes: Spiritual distraction; petitionary prayer; the nature of time and prayer; Historical Point of View.