Greetings Source Family,
Jesus visited with us at the Ash Wednesday Service. We observed a time of reflection, confession, and prayer before worship. During worship, we received a word from 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 and shared in the Imposition of Ashes. The Invitation to the Observance of Lenten Discipline is below. If you were not able to attend, I hope you will meditate on it before having a time of prayer.
Our Lenten devotional will come from Have a Beautiful Terrible Lent by Kate Bowler, a downloadable guide for small groups. You do not need to print the small group guide since we will work through this on Tuesdays during most TGITs. The devotional also comes in the form of a daily email that you can sign up for here.
Join us in our Lenten Disciplines as we walk through Lent towards the promise of Easter!