Recently, I ran across this comic.

As Christians, are we a people who have forgotten our roots? The church has always existed in a rapidly changing world. Today, it is a world of the incessant chatter of social media and real-time updates on everything from world politics to what your friend had for breakfast this morning.
The consequences of such ideas in the church are there for all to see. In spite of the availability of online Bibles and commentaries, many polls show widespread biblical and theological illiteracy. Even those who have read the Bible often do not understand what it means and how the various parts go together. A recent study shows that a large percentage of professing Christians unintentionally hold views regarding the Trinity, Jesus Christ, sin, and salvation that are technically heretical.
We are not in a good place, but we are not the first to be in such a position. The people of Israel forgot the past with disastrous consequences. The medieval church also forgot the past with disastrous consequences.
What about you? Where do you think you stand? What do you do when you realize you’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere along your journey? Do you go back and seek to find the correct path? We cannot discard the wisdom of the past without potentially catastrophic results.
Let’s look briefly at one of the old paths of the foundational Christian doctrines – namely, the five solas (sola Scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria) of the Reformation (circa 1517 A.D.). When the medieval church lost her way, the rediscovery of these fundamental doctrines during the Reformation helped the church regain her footing. Maybe we in today’s church need to do the same.
This is one reason why we at The Source ask the three questions and individually affirm the Apostles Creed every Sunday morning. But, we must also understand the teaching summed up by five solas (the Latin word for “alone”) from the Reformation. Let’s remind ourselves of these foundational beliefs.
- Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone
The Bible is the supreme and final authority; not the traditions, experience, reason, or the magisterium of the Church. These are not to be dismissed, but the ultimate truth is in the Scriptures. “Inspired by God” (2 Peter 1:19-21) and “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- Sola Fide – Faith Alone
God’s pardon to sinners is granted to and received by faith alone, apart from works. (Galatians 2:16)
- Sola Gratia –Grace Alone
All salvation, from beginning to end, is only by the grace of God. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- Solus Christo – Christ Alone
Sinners are justified in God’s sight only based on Christ’s finished work on the cross and through his resurrection. (John 14:6)
- Soli Deo Gloria – To the Glory of God Alone
God alone receives glory for our salvation and everything else in His creation. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
For more detail on this, please click on this link:
Adapted from Five Solas by Dr. Keith Mathison, 20 October 2021