Hanging Of The Greens

It is time for the Hanging of the Greens! We hope you will join us after worship on Sunday, Nov 24th to decorate and enjoy a meal. Potluck MealThe meal will be potluck style with emphasis on soup. Please reply all with what you will bring!  Bring in your Nativity set! It has become a tradition…

Daily Bread

When Jesus prays, “Give us this day our daily bread.’ we can see look back to Exodus shortly after the Children of Israel escaped from Egypt and had crossed the Red Sea. Exodus 16:4, ESV “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people…

Work as Worship

Can you imagine presenting what you work on, whether it’s goods or services, unto Jesus Christ? Would He be impressed or insulted? Excellent, well-done, and well-made work, is not vanity. Hard and smart work is worship; it is to God and for God. It is just as spiritual as evangelism, saying prayers and singing churchy…