Taking Point

“I’ll take point tonight,” I told the acting squad leader, a young corporal who had recently been assigned to the Company. Walking point was not my job. I was an artillery Forward Observer assigned to “G” (Golf) Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines. The entire Company was broken down into individual Marine squads assigned to villages…

Face to Face

He didn’t spare my life because I was good, but because He is good! It seemed like I was in slow motion for days. The explosion, the bullets, everything flashed before me in my mind every time I became conscious. I observed constant activity around me. I didn’t know if it was day or night….

Either / Or

“Do you want to go out to eat or have dinner at home?” I asked Lynne. She replied, “Yes.” Apparently, guys aren’t the only ones not paying attention to their spouse. I was a little confused, so I had to clarify that it was an “either/or” question. We ended up going out to eat (it…

Attitude Is Everything

“Got attitude?” my friend asked as I walked into our Saturday Men’s Group several years ago. “Always,” I replied, laughing. I was wearing a Marine Corps T-shirt that said, “Attitude Is Everything!” Anyplace else, I’d probably have gotten some “attitude” from the guys. If you work with other guys, you know what I mean. There’s…