Face to Face

He didn’t spare my life because I was good, but because He is good! It seemed like I was in slow motion for days. The explosion, the bullets, everything flashed before me in my mind every time I became conscious. I observed constant activity around me. I didn’t know if it was day or night….

Most Repeated Command In The Bible

The most repeated command in the Bible is some version of “fear not!” It sounds great in theory, but let’s be honest, how can God expect us to not live in fear when everything around us feels so out-of-control? Hurricane devastation. Terrorist attacks. Economic troubles. Record rates of depression and anxiety. Lord, have mercy. In Isaiah, God commands, “Don’t…


One way to go through life is to turn away from the things that are hard. You can take the easy way, forgoing difficulty whenever possible. Or you can choose to see hardship as an opportunity, as a test or a trial, rather than as an obstacle. It offers a chance to make yourself smarter,…


Screwtape Letters – Week 1, Letters 1 – 3

Letter 1 Themes: Complacent and smug thinking; evaluation of truth, reality, and materialism; temptations when draw the patient away from universal (eternal) issues. Letter 2 Themes: Reality verses expectations; disappointment & disillusionment with church; genuine humility. Letter 3 Themes: Sanctification; relationships as a Christian; humility, judgmental attitudes; personal blind spots; danger of speech; the focus…


Screwtape Letters – Week 2, Letters 4 – 6

Letter 4 Themes: The subtle attacks against prayer life; the implications of not seeing God directly in prayer. Letter 5 Themes: Fear, anguish, despair; war, suffering; contented worldliness; growth through suffering; faith. Letter 6 Themes: Fear, anxiety worry, suspense about the future; faith trust; prayer; revenge, anger; apathy.


Screwtape Letters – Week 9, Letters 25 – 27

Letter 25 Themes: Mere Christianity; novelty; pleasure; fads; discontentment of the Same Old Things; jargon. Letter 26 Themes: Unselfishness (self-denial); charity (agape love); erotic enchantment (eros love) in courtship. Letter 27 Themes: Spiritual distraction; petitionary prayer; the nature of time and prayer; Historical Point of View.