
Screwtape Letters – Week 1, Letters 1 – 3

Letter 1 Themes: Complacent and smug thinking; evaluation of truth, reality, and materialism; temptations when draw the patient away from universal (eternal) issues. Letter 2 Themes: Reality verses expectations; disappointment & disillusionment with church; genuine humility. Letter 3 Themes: Sanctification; relationships as a Christian; humility, judgmental attitudes; personal blind spots; danger of speech; the focus…


Chapter 3 – Salvation as Adventure

From the book: “Resident Aliens – A Provocative Christian Assessment of Culture and Ministry for People Who Know That Something is Wrong.” By Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon. The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason (1685-1815), radically reoriented European and Western politics, philosophy, science, and religion. Thinkers of the time questioned traditional…


Uncomfortable – The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community

By Brett McCracken It’s easy to dream about the “perfect” church–a church that sings just the right songs set to just the right music before the pastor preaches just the right sermon to a room filled with just the right mix of people who happen to agree with you on just about everything. Chances are…